cat sleeping on lap   Laps must have been created just for cats. Soft, warm places to nap. What could be better?

Still, laps do have some issues. Some laps are softer than others. My man-servant spends too much time running. His legs are all muscular and lack that nice layer of fat that makes for a perfect lap. Kind of like sleeping on the brick by the wood stove. And sometimes his lap is upside down. Still, he is good for climbing on.Upside down lap

My lady servant has a soft lap. I could sleep for hours on her lap—if she let me. But she can’t seem to sit still. I don’t get it. She’s in the big black chair in front of the computer. I hop up and settle in. And then she starts moving. First she taps at that keyboard thing in front of her. That makes her lap wiggle. Then this big black box next to the computer gets all noisy and spits out a piece of paper. My lady pushes the chair over to get that paper. Whoa! That can wake up a napper.

kitten on lapI settle back in, but then the phone rings, and she reaches over me. The cord falls across my back. I bite the cord and bat at her hand, but she doesn’t seem to get the hint. Instead of putting the phone away and sitting still, she kicks me off her lap. No fair! I stalk away to find a bed that won’t move.

And another thing about laps. They seem to shrink. They were so big when I was a kitten. Now that I’m nearly grown, it’s a lot tighter fit. Still…well worth the effort. If I could just keep them in one place until I finish my nap…cat on computer lap